APRIL 6 & 7, 2024
Klondike Challenge Supporters

The Klondike Challenge is a collaboration between the ARICM and Michigan Canoe Racing Association (MCRA). The race, held annually in the late winter or early spring, is open to C-1 and C-2 canoes and kayaks. The race marks the “Season Kickoff” for the Michigan canoe racing season and serves as a friendly, spirited event before the MCRA’s annual Spring Membership Meeting. The race starts at 1:00pm with the C-2s. Once they are on the course the C-1s will be started.
The course is approximately 4.25 miles (2.75 miles upstream, 1.5 miles downstream). The race starts at the mouth of Van Etten Creek (where it meets the AuSable River), heading upstream to Van Etten Dam, then has a counter-clockwise buoy-turn, and then returns downstream to finish just after the F-41 bridge near Huntington Bank. Racers finish the course in approximately 45 minutes.
The event is open to paddlers of all ages and skill levels. Non-racing canoes and non-racing kayaks are allowed. You must provide your own cold-weather gear and safety equipment, such as life jackets/PFD’s. Please take cold-weather and cold-water precaution!
USGS Water Data for Van Etten Creek
Klondike Challenge Results
Race Contact
Klondike Challenge Past Results
5K/10K Run / Walk
The Klondike Run/Walk Challenge is a timed race held at 1:00pm Sunday. The event has a new venue for 2024! The 5k/10k is now held on the new Exploration Trail system that runs parallel to River Road in Oscoda.
Registration will occur at the Oscoda High School parking lot between 12:00pm – 12:45pm. Entry fee is $10 and is paid on the day of the event. All proceeds from the race benefits the AuSable River Canoe Marathon.
Four-legged friends are welcome to join registered participants, but will need to remain on a leash while on the course.
For any questions please contact the Oscoda Marathon Committee at oscoda@ausablecanoemarathon.org