Newcomer’s Guide to Completing the
AuSable River Canoe Marathon
AuSable River Canoe Marathon paddler, Eric Batway, has written and published a book titled, “Newcomer’s Guide to Completing the AuSable River Canoe Marathon”. The book is geared towards helping prospective paddlers on their journey and reduce their initial steps to success.
This book is the culmination of thousand of dollars spent on equipment, training and transportation. It has been developed throughout nine years of paddling with completion of five AuSable River Canoe Marathon finishes and over eighteen hundred hours of on-water training. Basic principles outlined will significantly reduce both hard earned personal resource expenditure as well as countless wasted hours trying to figure things out on your own.
How to Buy the Guide Book
The book is $40 and all proceeds will be donated to the Marathon. The book can be purchased by contacting Eric Batway directly or the Marathon office. Books are available for purchase at John Cherven’s office in the Grayling Mini Mall and will be at all Marathon merchandise locations in July. Books can be mailed once payment is received.

It has been reviewed by several acclaimed Marathon participants with the following reviews:
“Anyone contemplating doing the Marathon should use this Newcomer’s Guide. It will increase your success rate exponentially!”
Jeff Kolka, 9-tie AuSable River Canoe Marathon Champion & 22 Marathon Finishes
“Excellent advice gathered from years of experience is presented in a direct way to help beginners and other canoe races each the finish line in Oscoda.”
Jon Thompson, co-author of The First 50 Years of the AuSable River Canoe Marathon & Ironman paddler with 15 Marathon finishes
“Concise and comprehensive guide for canoe marathon paddlers. I found this guide book filled with intriguing nutrition, techniquie, and stats to challenge myself to keep learning.”
Lynne Witte, 39 AuSable River Canoe Marathon finishes
“An excellent blend of common sense and technical paddling issues. A must read for rookie Marathon paddlers as well as experienced racers.”
John Cherven, 39 years AuSable River Canoe Marathon Committee